Keep your hands on the wheel, and your eyes on the road.

Governor Jerry Brown,
c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Date ________________________________
Dear Governor,
I was shocked and disappointed by your recent decision to veto Senate Bill 28, which would increase the current trivial $25 penalty for driving a motor vehicle distracted by a hand held cell device to $50.
Distracted driving is the most common cause of death of California teenagers, vastly exceeding disease, gang violence, and drugs. Driver distraction is the leading cause of motor vehicle collisions, and cell use is the leading cause of distraction. More Americans are killed annually by driver distraction than have died in the entire combined wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Research from the University of Utah and Virginia Tech unequivocally proves that using a hand held cell phone increases the collision risk by 4 times, equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.08. Texting increase the risk 23 times! A texting driver takes their eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds with each text.
Recall that in 2008 a texting Chatsworth Metro operator caused the death of 25 people and over $200,000,000.00 of government liability. In response the current ban was instituted in 2009. After the initial drop in cell activity, a 2011 AAA study revealed that texting has now doubled from the
pre-ban level. Currently 2.7% of drivers are texting and 3.7% are using a hand held cell phone while driving. At any given time 6.4% of California drivers are operating a vehicle willfully impaired to a degree equal to or exceeding legal intoxication.
Repeated surveys demonstrate that voters want tougher regulation of driver hand held cell abuse. California citizens are fed up with the needless carnage on our public roads. Additionally, the American Automobile Association, Advocates for Highway Safety, and the California Highway
Patrol supported Senate Bill 28. A veto of this important legislation was a blow to reasonable highway safety, a threat to California families, and an endorsement of self-absorbed, illegal driver distraction.
Please reconsider your position and request the legislature immediately bring this important legislation back for your signature.


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S A M P L E L E T T E R T O C A G O V E R N O R :
Mailing address:
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Email concerns at:
Copy and paste the contents of this letter into your personal letterhead and mail.